the black nathalie sancoeur.
My mom's birthday is Valentine's Day. She's dead.
I want to be happy this holiday, but I am having a hard time doing so. I tried and tried and tried, but this day reminds me too much of my mom, and it probably always will because it’s what I have always known. On the morning of, before I would tell her Happy Valentine’s Day, I told her happy birthday.
Eleven things I have learned since my mom died three years ago.
Hi everyone. It’s, unfortunately, that time of year again for me. I hope this post helps someone who is struggling with grief right now. Here are some things I wish I had known before I lost my mom that would have prepared me better for when she left this earth. -
The ways death changes you.
Do I feel any different about her death now than I did back then? The answer is yes: I feel worse. -
I understand Toji too much to hate him.
When things started to get better for Toji, his wife died. When she died, he was lost again in life and began to make terrible decisions, along with being emotionally unstable. As someone who lost someone I loved with all my heart to death around the time I got into Jujustu Kaisen, this hit too close to home for me. -
Twenty-two things I learned in 2022.
Happy new year, everyone! Can I even still say that? Well, we are only 19 out of 365 days, so yes, yes, I can. People often do their number countdowns at the end of the year, but it would be nice to share mine at the beginning of the year. Here are 22 things I learned in 2022 that I have taken into 2023. -
I'm sorry, but I can't find myself to like Emilie Agreste.
Yes, it is sad when white women go missing and turn up dead; I'm not saying it isn’t. But Miraculous Ladybug has conditioned the audience to feel bad for her, and when someone mentions something off, discourse arises because Emilie is what society sees as the perfect woman. -
Why did SpongeBob and Patrick's death hurt so much?
I felt like I knew Spongebob and Patrick. I saw them every day. They kept me company if I was the only person in the living room, and they were never mean to me. Two characters I adore dying was the last thing I wanted.